Type alias CreateReportControlOptions

CreateReportControlOptions: {
    confRev?: string;
    instances?: string;
    optFields?: {
        bufOvfl?: "true" | "false" | null;
        configRef?: "true" | "false" | null;
        dataRef?: "true" | "false" | null;
        entryID?: "true" | "false" | null;
        reasonCode?: "true" | "false" | null;
        seqNum?: "true" | "false" | null;
        timeStamp?: "true" | "false" | null;
    rpt?: {
        bufTime?: string | null;
        buffered?: "true" | "false" | null;
        datSet?: string | null;
        desc?: string | null;
        indexed?: "true" | "false" | null;
        intgPd?: string | null;
        name?: string | null;
        rptID?: string | null;
    skipCheck?: boolean;
    trgOps?: {
        dchg?: "true" | "false" | null;
        dupd?: "true" | "false" | null;
        gi?: "true" | "false" | null;
        period?: "true" | "false" | null;
        qchg?: "true" | "flase" | null;

Type declaration

  • Optional confRev?: string

    User-defined configuration revision (confRev) overwrites logic to to set confRev acc. to IEC 61850.

  • Optional instances?: string

    How many instances the new ReportControl element shall have in the IED. Defaults to 1

  • Optional optFields?: {
        bufOvfl?: "true" | "false" | null;
        configRef?: "true" | "false" | null;
        dataRef?: "true" | "false" | null;
        entryID?: "true" | "false" | null;
        reasonCode?: "true" | "false" | null;
        seqNum?: "true" | "false" | null;
        timeStamp?: "true" | "false" | null;
    • Optional bufOvfl?: "true" | "false" | null

      pack buffer overflow indicator into the report

    • Optional configRef?: "true" | "false" | null

      pack configuration revision into the report

    • Optional dataRef?: "true" | "false" | null

      pack data references into the report

    • Optional entryID?: "true" | "false" | null

      pack entry ID into the report

    • Optional reasonCode?: "true" | "false" | null

      pack reason code into the report

    • Optional seqNum?: "true" | "false" | null

      pack sequence number into the report

    • Optional timeStamp?: "true" | "false" | null

      pack time stamp into the report

  • Optional rpt?: {
        bufTime?: string | null;
        buffered?: "true" | "false" | null;
        datSet?: string | null;
        desc?: string | null;
        indexed?: "true" | "false" | null;
        intgPd?: string | null;
        name?: string | null;
        rptID?: string | null;
    • Optional bufTime?: string | null

      Minimum time between two reports in (ms)

    • Optional buffered?: "true" | "false" | null

      Whether the report is buffered or unbuffered

    • Optional datSet?: string | null

      Reference to an existing DataSet

    • Optional desc?: string | null
    • Optional indexed?: "true" | "false" | null

      Whether the report shall have multiple instances in the IED. When 'false' the attribute 'instances' is reset to '1'

    • Optional intgPd?: string | null

      Time between two periodical reports in (ms). Is set to '0' when trgops.period is false

    • Optional name?: string | null

      ReportControl name. Must be unique. When missing a unique name starting with newReportControl_xx is set

    • Optional rptID?: string | null

      Default ""

  • Optional skipCheck?: boolean

    If true, skips check for unique report control name, whether datSet is pointing to valid DataSet and whether additional new report instances are allowed in IED/AccessPoint.

  • Optional trgOps?: {
        dchg?: "true" | "false" | null;
        dupd?: "true" | "false" | null;
        gi?: "true" | "false" | null;
        period?: "true" | "false" | null;
        qchg?: "true" | "flase" | null;
    • Optional dchg?: "true" | "false" | null

      enable data change trigger

    • Optional dupd?: "true" | "false" | null

      enable data update trigger

    • Optional gi?: "true" | "false" | null

      allow report trigger on general interrogation

    • Optional period?: "true" | "false" | null

      enable periodic report

    • Optional qchg?: "true" | "flase" | null

      enable quality change trigger

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