Function lnInstGenerator

  • Generator function returning unique inst or lnInst attribute for element [[tagName]] within [[parent]].

    Valid range for both `inst` and `lnInst` is between 1 and 99


    • parent: Element

      The parent element to be scanned for inst or lnInst values already in use. Be sure to create a new generator every time the children of this element change in SCL.

    • tagName: "LN" | "LNode"

      Tag name of the child elements containing the lnInst or inst attribute

    Returns ((lnClass) => string | undefined)

    a function generating increasing unused inst or lnInst values element with [[tagName]] within [[parent]] on subsequent invocations

      • (lnClass): string | undefined
      • Parameters

        • lnClass: string

        Returns string | undefined

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